Sunday, 9 October 2016

Creating a basis

Atfter discussing fonts, designs, and colours, we started to create the mural. We decided to stick wallpaper onto the wall, since we didn't want to be spending our time repainting the wall, whenever a new design needed to be created. We started by using black silhouettes with a more basic design, which is what the PE department leaned more towards. I personally believed this design is slightly boring, a black tone against a harsh figured, then placed onto a mundane wall. However, we continued to experiment anyway. We had to take into consideration the size of the room in the sports hall, we needed figures to match the size of the wall, create enough impact within the room to show we had created something, yet not create too distracting. In addition to this, we had to take into account the pieces in the room such as pugs or heaters blocking. 

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