Sunday, 4 September 2016

Ikon Gallery- 14th May

Taking a slight step back in time, I believe it's important to talk about my gallery visits, whilst I have written them down, I couldn't resist blogging about them too. The main piece which stood out to me throughout the whole of the gallery was the second floor. The whole gallery was separated by huge florescent lights. After researching and reading the booklet provided by the Ikon, I believe each light was created for another artist, as they are clearly referenced within the bibliography. The use of light within galleries is something which has never interested me, I'm more interested in the piece themselves but when that is completely opposed, swapped and turned around it changes the whole perception of how you look at light. The complete darkness is drowned out as you turn the corner to these beaming lights, I personally, was most interested by the lights which almost resembled a prison. What was most interesting thing about this particular piece was the bright light room the other side. "It's always sunny on the other side" is the phrase which first popped into my head, then leading me onto thinking about a prison in general and the outside light shining through to the cold cell. The whole of this exhibition really interested me, and has definitely made me think about the use of light in my own future work. 

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